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I don't know for certain where the rowboat came from: it was always there. About 8 or 9 feet long, four or five feet at the beam, brass oarlocks, painted green and white,

I think it may have belonged to the Marvels who sold their Camp to the Edwards. Attached to the triangular front seat was a brass loop where you could step a mast though it had no centerboard or keel to speak of. A hole bored at the center of the transom let you jam in an oarlock, so there was a place for a tiller.

The rowboat spent winter next to the Camp protected from harsher elements by a blanket of snow, and maybe a canvass hammock thrown over it. This is the last photo I have of it in the Summer of 1980. Below is Richard in the late 1950's. At the top is the rowboat in about 1948 with me at the oars.

The sailing pictures were taken when I was 9 in 1951...I remember it as one of the best Summers ever.


One year I persuaded Mom & Dad to spend $5.00 on an outboard motor for it. I dreamed of speeding across the lake but the 5 horsepower engine would disappoint. In frustration, I disassembled it and cleaned all the parts one afternoon. Putting it back together took a lot longer, and I had a few parts left over. It never ran quite the same again; in fact, I remember having a lot of trouble starting it.

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